Ernströmgruppens Academic Grant

  • Fixed term / Määräaikainen työsuhde
  • Turku
  • 2024-09-15

Website Ernströmgruppen

Building Legacies

Maximize your handprint!

Apply for Ernströmgruppens Academic Grant to put your idea into practice.

Ernströmgruppens Academic Grant is targeted to degree students at the University of Turku who are working on ideas, projects or startups focusing on addressing circular economy challenges in an entrepreneurial manner.

Ernströmgruppen is a family business with a legacy of development and change in its genes. For over 100 years, Ernströmgruppen has been transforming new ideas into successful businesses, specializing in technology, trade, and industry.

How much is the grant?

The grant amount is 10,000 EUR per project

Who can apply?

​The grant is open to undergraduate and postgraduate engineering students of the University of Turku, irrespective of their field of study. Grants are awarded to student teams consisting of a minimum of two members. Teams may also include members from other faculties or other universities (all members need to be undergraduate or postgraduate students) but the project leader of the team needs to have a study right at the Faculty of Technology. Applicants should be actively involved in a project initiated within the framework of their education and intend to pursue the project during the period covered by the grant application.

What is the Grant for?

This grant is aimed at students who are championing ideas, innovations, and technical solutions for a positive impact on society, the environment, and climate. The grant will support projects undertaken by students, such as developing a business idea, organizing an event, or conducting a development project.

Funds should be directed towards activities that advance the project idea, such as procurement, prototyping, experimentation, or the acquisition of external services.

When & How to apply?

​To apply for the grant, applicants must complete an online application form.

Your application should include a concise description of the project’s objectives, expected positive impact, target group, implementation period, and budget. All the members of the team need to be mentioned in the application.

The funded project is expected to deliver their report/presentation/demo/review latest 1 month after the end of the implementation period. Specify the tangible end result of your project in the application, too.

Applications showcasing entrepreneurship, responsibility, and sustainability will be highly valued.

The application period is 20.6. – 15. 9. 2024.

Applications that do not include the required details or have been received after the end of the application period, are not valid.

Other information:

The Technology Fund’s Governing body decides on the project(s) to be selected for the Grant.

The selection of applications, (or the rejection of an application) and the decision on the selection of the Grant, cannot be appealed.

The project teams planning to apply for the Grant are supported in the Entrepreneurial Hub Konttori at UTU/ Boost Turku to develop their application/ project further. If you are interested in getting help in the development of your application during the summer, please contact Lauri Koittola ( for more information.

Projects receiving the Grant will get additional support and mentoring from the Entrepreneurial Hub in the actual project phase, too.

We look forward to Your application!

Don’t hesitate. Your contribution can make a difference! 

To submit your application, click on the link below.


To apply for this job please visit